演講者 |
主題 |
日期 |
地點 |
時間 |
王泓仁 (台大經濟系) | 隨機邊界模型的理論與應用 | 2015/3/12 | 社科研419 | 3:30-5:00 |
Lon-Mu Liu(U. of Illinois at Chicago) | Some Important Issues in Time Series Analysis and Forecasting | 2015/3/19 | 社科研608 | 3:30-5:00 |
陳美源 (中興財金系) | Marginal Effects of Factors on the Unconditional Distribution of Financial Literacy in Taiwan |
2015/4/16 | 社科研608 | 3:30-5:00 |
賴宗志 (台大經濟系) | Forecasting Treatment Effects | 2015/5/21 | 社科研608 | 3:30-5:00 |
廖仁哲 (中研院經濟所) | Estimation and Inference of Nonparametric Sample Selection Models with Heteroskedasticity | 2015/5/28 | 社科研608 | 3:30-5:00 |
林馨怡 (政大經濟系) | Do Quantitative Monetary Targets Matter? | 2015/6/4 | 社科研608 | 3:30-5:00 |
Daniel Barczyk (McGill University) | Evaluating Long-Term-Care Policy Options, Taking the Family Seriously | 2015/6/11 | 社科研608 | 3:30-5:00 |